This beautiful psychedelic image, "ANGEL", is centered around a statue,
Descending Night, which was featured as part of an elaborate fountain
system at the 1915 San Francisco Panama Pacific Exhibition. It was
created by Adolph Weinman.
The original/first print poster has a dark blue background, which matches
the background color of the original postcard. This poster measures
approx. 14" X 20".
The second print poster, an authorized reprint, has a noticeably lighter
blue background than the first print poster. It does not match the
original postcard. In addition, there is a white scuff (printing
flaw) just off of the right wing of the Angel. This poster measures
approx. 14" X 20".
The original postcard was printed prior to the shows, and measures approx.
5" X 7". It exists with both a place stamp here & bulk rate back.