This poster was printed twice, once before the shows and once shortly after the shows (printing records indicate that 2,000 posters were printed before the shows, and 1,000 were printed after).  Posters do exist on slightly different paper stocks, which would indicate two printings, but no evidence currently exists to indicate which posters are from which printing.  Until the time when a distinction can be made, we will consider all FD 32 posters to be originals.

The original handbill was printed prior to the shows on very thin paper, and measures approx.  8 1/2" x 11".  Some of these handbills were hand addressed and mailed.
All images on this page Copyright Chet Helms DBA Family Dog Productions

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Quicksilver Messenger Service
Blackburn & Snow
Sons of Champlin

10/28-29/1966 Victor Moscoso


Quicksilver Messenger Service
Blackburn & Snow
Sons of Champlin

10/28-29/1966 Victor Moscoso

Last Updated   12/18/2007                                                              © 2005 SixtiesPosters, Inc.