This is certainly
one of the classic images of the psychedelic era, designed by a man who is
widely believed to be the most artistic of the psychedelic poster artists,
the late Rick Griffin.
The original/first print poster was printed on an uncoated index stock,
identical to the stock that was used to print the original postcards.
They were almost certainly printed on the same sheets. If you do not
have a card for comparison, then keep reading. On every first print
we have seen, the design of the front of the image can be recognized when
looking at the back of the poster. It is very subtle, but definitely
noticeable. In addition, the back of the first print posters is
generally off-white in color. The orange ink used in the printing of
this poster is more pale than the orange ink used in the printing the
reprint (second printing).
The second print poster was printed on a completely different paper stock.
It does not match the original cards. We have never seen a poster
from the second printing where you could see the lines of the image from
the back of the poster. The back of the second print poster appears
to be bright white, and the surface is coated (but not glossy). The
orange ink used to print this poster is a deeper orange than the
original...more red. As is the case with the original, the second
print poster has the notation "FD 101-1" in the lower left corner.
However, it is NOT a first print poster. It was most probably
printed later in 1967, after the shows.
Both of the aforementioned posters measure approx. 14" x 20"
In 1976, Rick Griffin reprinted this poster for an art show he sponsored
in England (Roundhouse). It is roughly twice the size of the
aforementioned posters, and as such, is easy to distinguish.
The original FD 101 postcards were printed with two separate backs, place
stamp here and bulk rate. If you purchase a FD 101 card from our
website, we will send you the place stamp here card. If you are
interested in a bulk rate backed card, please send us an email or give us
a call.